Tagged With: photography
Culebra, Puerto Rico Photo Walk
In December of 2015, Beauty Beyond Borders traveled to the small island of Culebra, Puerto Rico to work with members of the local community. Thanks to the assistance of the Culebra Foundation (Fundacion de Culebra), 10 children and family members joined us for a photo walk through the community. The Culebra Foundation is dedicated to … Continue reading
Beauty Beyond Borders – Managua 2015
Last week Beauty Beyond Borders traveled to Managua, Nicaragua to work with over 35 individuals of all different ages from 3 unique communities. The photos above are the group photos from each of the 4 photo walks we took within these communities. Each participant was given one of the hand-painted Beauty Beyond Borders t-shirts that were created … Continue reading
#BeautyBeyondBorders Challenge
Beauty Beyond Borders has a challenge for you! Post a photo to social media that you consider to be beautiful along with the story behind this photo. Think outside the box, beyond the typical sense of the word ‘beauty’ and tag it with #beautybeyondborders. This may be something that others may not initially see as beautiful, … Continue reading
Hector Leon Photo Collection
“To work with Beauty Beyond Borders and share my photos has been great, because I have had the experience to learn something new. All this time I have begun to look at photos in another way. I will keep taking photos!” – Hector Leon Click the image to view the full photo.
Maritza Narvaez Photo Collection
“My experience with Beauty Beyond Borders was one of the greatest experiences I´ve ever had. It showed me how beautiful life is through taking pictures, looking beyond what the world looks like. I also had a lot of fun with this project spending time with friends and having new experiences.” – Maritza Narvaez Click … Continue reading
Maxdoniel Cruz Photo Collection
“From the beginning, this project was a very interesting experience for me, because I was learning about photography and for me it was a totally different world. I learned that behind an image there is always a story and that sometimes there are pictures that remain in the heart. I have taken a lot of … Continue reading
Eduardo Manzanares Photo Collection
“I was excited to work with Beauty Beyond Borders because in Nicaragua we did not have materials like those kind of cameras. Alicia is a great teacher and she knows so much that we had not had the experience to learn before. I would like to know more about photography and the lessons learned from … Continue reading
Erick Vasquez Photo Collection
“All I can say about working with Beauty Beyond Borders is it was such an amazing experience. Just the fact of taking photos that express the beauty of your own nation, country, or city is awesome because it shows the hidden beauty and how impressive it is to see and to appreciate all the great … Continue reading
Recap of the Week
Take a look at a recap of photos and videos from the week in Nicaragua. The images and footage were all taken by the project founder, Alicia Chouinard. More videos and images taken by the students will be coming soon. So keep checking in! Click on the image to view larger.