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Art Meditation Tools

The art of meditation is a beautiful way to feel calm and more present. Below is a collection of coloring pages with positive messages to help introduce you to using art as a form of meditation.

Just print out the pages we have created below and let your mind wander as you color them in. If you’d like, each one has an accompanying mantra beneath to help you focus your mind and add peace.
Live Life to the Fullest dragonfly coloring page
Mantra: I live my life without regrets
Rise Above sun and moon coloring page
Mantra: I have the strength to rise above my tribulations
Rest ~ Rejuvenate ~ Refresh butterfly coloring page
Mantra: I enjoy this time to rest and rejuvenate my mind, body, and spirit
Love heart coloring page
Mantra: I live my life with passion and love
Grow through what you go through tree coloring page
Mantra: I search for growth, wisdom and mental clarity
Mantra: I surrender all negative thoughts
Mantra: I live for today and I feel cheerful
Mantra: I enjoy special moments with my loved ones and friends
Mantra: I live in peace and embrace new possibilities
Mantra: I find peace in the beauties of nature
Mantra: I believe that good will prevail
Mantra: I choose to heal my heart, mind, body and soul
Mantra: No matter what comes my way, I have the strength, the compassion and the tools to overcome it
Mantra: I choose self-love, compassion and kindness

To learn more about the benefits of adult coloring click here

Here is a suggestion for music to accompany your mediation

If you don’t have a printer, this app will allow you to color the pages using your device